Tuesday, February 1, 2022

What to Do About Kitchen Drain Smells

Do you have kitchen drain smells coming from your sink? Chances are, you are dealing with stubborn clogs or leaking. Whatever the cause is, MidCity Plumbers can help! This blog will show you professional plumbing tips from our team that can help you out when your kitchen begins to smell. From causes, prevention, to proper disposal of food, we got you covered! Intrigued? Read on! 

Causes of kitchen drain smells 

Here are some of the most common causes of kitchen drain smells:


Blockages are composed of food build-up or debris in your drainpipe. There is a small part at the lowest point of the curve in your sink that allows you to check for blockages and clear them up if indeed there are any. Since blockages are usually made of food waste, they can ooze a bad odor. Make sure to clear the blockage immediately by running water for a few seconds to remove any debris. Then check if your water is now at the optimal level. 


A clog causes many problems, one of which is unpleasant kitchen drain smells. Clogged drains are usually composed of food particles and other organic matter. As we all know, food particles, organic matter, and other substances can create bad odors in your sewer system if left unattended. And while most homes have a garbage disposal or proper plumbing ventilation to combat bad kitchen smells, a clogged drain will still cause terrible smells. Keep in mind that methane is a byproduct of organic waste deterioration in residential areas. 

All organic material will decompose, and when it does, it begins to produce methane. If you have clogged drains, the production of methane in the food waste clinging onto the drains may be the reason for the awful smell. Methane produces sewer gas that comes from decomposing organic or other wastes down your drains.


Leaking can also be the culprit when the kitchen drain smells bad. Note that the connections in your sink are prone to leaking.  When there is leaking, you can unscrew the connections. Then remove the P-trap that may have most of the food waste build-up. Make it a habit to inspect the pipe for any leaks, and clean it frequently if you can. 

Keep in mind that leaking can also result in a bad odor and may even compromise the well-being of your home. If you find a leak, take proper measurements. If it’s your first time dealing with a leak, make sure to contact a professional plumber to help you out and avoid unnecessary damage costs. 


Issues in your sink’s P-trap may also cause the bad odor you are experiencing. The P-trap is the curvy part of the drain pipe under the sink that resembles a “P” or a “U.” It is the component that isolates the drain line from the main fixture, which blocks any harmful and awful smells. The trap works by holding water at the bottom of the curve to block any potential smell from the particles you pour down the drain. 

If the P-trap is dry or is having issues, it would cause a sewage smell to emanate from the kitchen sink. Oftentimes, problems in the P-trap are not determinable with just a glance. You need the right tools and equipment to resolve the problem. Call the nearest plumbing company near you to help with kitchen drain smells

What to do if your kitchen drain smells

Fortunately, kitchen drain smells are often easy to resolve on your own before needing any professional help. If you’re suspecting any bad smells from your kitchen, here are some ways that you can do to resolve the problem. 

  1. Wash your sink with hot water and dish soap – If you’re lucky, then your sink just probably needs a wash. Start by filling your sink with at least a few amounts of boiling water, and then add some dish soap to agitate the mixture until it looks bubbly. Don’t forget to run down some clean water afterward to remove any remaining debris.
  2. Baking soda and white vinegar – this classic duo can be very effective in eliminating odors. Tested and proven! 
  3. Try lemon peels, salt, and some ice – the salt and ice will work to get rid of any physical residue in your sink, while the lemon peels help eliminate odor.

How to prevent kitchen drain smells

To avoid kitchen drain smells, here are some plumbing tips on how to prevent drain odors and avoid expensive clean-ups! 

  1. Deodorize your drains frequently by dropping just a few pieces of orange, lemon, or other citrus fruit into the disposal. 
  2. Use a strainer or stopper when washing your dishes. This way, you get to prevent food particles from clogging your drains. 
  3. Use baking soda, pour it down the drain and let it sit for around 20 minutes. Baking soda cleans your drains and even removes bad odors.

How to properly dispose of food to prevent kitchen drain smells

Oftentimes, the key to eliminating kitchen drain smells lies in the proper garbage disposal. But, some homeowners don’t own sink garbage disposal. Don’t worry! We have also listed here the thing you can do to properly dispose of food even without garbage disposal. 

  1. Composting – this is perhaps the greenest way to dispose of food waste. Just prepare a small compost bin where you can put eggshells, coffee grounds, tea bags, and more. With composting, you can turn these food scraps into a healthy nutrient for your plants. 
  2. Recycling – You can recycle food waste by first having the right containers to determine which food waste is great for compost and which ones can be recycled.
  3. Donate waste for animal feed – If you know livestock owners in your local community, you can donate food scraps to them. This is also one way of effectively recycling food waste. 

When to call a professional plumber

When you can’t find out where the odor is coming from even after a personal assessment, it’s the right time to call a professional plumber. MidCity Plumbers is a trustworthy team of expert plumbers with the necessary tools and expertise for eliminating kitchen drain smells from your sink. Our efficient service includes plumbing and drainage services completely right from the assessment through the final unclogging stages. 

When the clogs begin to get stubborn, our expert plumbers can efficiently get rid of them and other issues in a safer way. Our plumbing service is available for residential and commercial areas. We cover all your plumbing needs from leaks, clogs, to water heaters or drainage problems. Just contact us today or call us at 📞 (778) 772-8676 and our team will be right on your doorstep to resolve your clogging issues in no time!

The post What to Do About Kitchen Drain Smells appeared first on MidCityPlumbers.

source https://midcityplumbers.com/blog/what-to-do-about-kitchen-drain-smells/

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