Wednesday, January 26, 2022

5 Reasons to Avoid Drain Cleaner Chemical in Clogged Drains

While some may argue that chemicals work more effectively than milder cleaners, we have finally weighed in some reasons why this should not be the case. Most Canadian homeowners would surely opt for effective cleaning, but to achieve such, some elements should not be compromised. For safer and more practical household plumbing and cleaning, here are the top 5 reasons why you should avoid using chemical drain cleaners in clogged drains: 

1. Chemicals are toxic and can produce fumes in clogged drains

There are many reasons why chemicals are silent killers, but when it comes to being a drain cleaner tool, they can do more harm than cleaning. Chemicals are not only highly toxic to your children or pets, but they can also damage your pipes. Chemical drain cleaners generate heat to break down clogs along your pipes. This heat can compromise the quality of your PVC piping, softening them in the process. Additionally, any chemical drain cleaners produce fumes that are toxic and can burn your eyes. Children and pets should never be nearby if you choose chemical cleaners for your household plumbing. Better yet, don’t use chemical cleaners at all to avoid risks of burns and toxic absorption in clogged drains. 

2. Corrosion, erosion, and deterioration of pipes in clogged drains

Chemical cleaners also corrode older metal pipes and cause erosion as well as deterioration of pipes. Since old metal pipes typically have corrosion in them where the cleaner could enter and not leave, the chemicals in the cleaner will continue to eat your pipes, causing further corrosion and leaks. If you have plastic pipes, the chemicals can eat through the plastic and cause leaking and damage. 

Water leaking out of a rusted out pipe underneath the bathroom sink from clogged drain. MidCity Plumbers

3. Can end up in water sources when used on clogged drains

Another huge problem with commercial drain cleaners is the chemicals they contain. Most of these cleaners contain bleach that causes toxic fumes. When using these cleaners, they can easily end up in the water sources or supplies. To add,  dumping chemical cleaners into your drain means that they will definitely go to septic systems. Keep in mind that anything you dump into your clogged drains has the potential to be taken into the groundwater around your home which can also affect your health. 

4. Not effective and does more harm than good in clogged drains

We hate to break it to you but chemical cleaners don’t work on every clog. When it comes to stubborn clogs, chemical cleaners are not that effective. Letting these chemicals sit for longer periods of time may even increase harming the pipes. If you flush them out, this can also lead to problems with the septic system. Also, not all clogged drains can be resolved with chemical cleaners. For instance, pipes clogged due to tree roots in the backup drain require professional plumbing and clearing services beyond chemical cleaners. So, take note that chemical cleaners are not as highly effective as homemade cleaners most of the time. 

Clogged drain caused by tree roots with man digging them out of the pipe. MidCity Plumbers

5. Damage to sinks or bathtubs when used on clogged drains

Chemical drain cleaning solutions contain strong acids and other harmful components. If you use them on your sinks or bathtubs, they will destroy the enamel-based finish that sinks and bathtubs usually have. This type of damage usually requires replacement, creating more repair costs on your part. Note also that chemical cleaners have also been known to dissolve certain types of metal components in sinks or bathtubs, creating holes in brass traps. This will greatly affect your daily consumption of water in the long run. 

What can you use instead of chemical cleaners?

The reasons why you should not use chemical cleaners can be overwhelming, so we have listed some alternatives here that are more effective, affordable, and safer than chemical cleaners. 

  1. White vinegar and baking soda- White vinegar is known to be acidic while baking soda is a natural cleaning product. Mixing these two ingredients creates an effective cleaning tool for getting rid of clogs overnight. 
  2. Boiling water and powder detergent or dish soap- the hot water will liquefy the clog while the soap helps in flushing them down. 
  3. White vinegar and lemon juice – This mixture cuts down grease and freshens the pipes, too! 

Clogged drain in the kitchen sink being cleaned with baking soda, lemon and vinegar. MidCity Plumbers

How MidCity Plumbers can help with clogged drains

If the homemade remedies do not match the stubborn clogged drains you have, don’t reach for chemical cleaners. Instead, hire a professional team of certified plumbing experts to get the job done. MidCity Plumbers is a reputable team of expert plumbers with the necessary tools and expertise for the job. Our efficient service includes reliable plumbing and drainage services completely right from the inspection through the final unclogging stages. Expert plumbers can efficiently get rid of clogging or other issues in a safer way. Our plumbing services are available in residential and commercial areas. We cover all your plumbing needs from leaks, clogs, to water heaters or drainage problems. Just contact us today at 📞 (778) 772-8676 and our team will be right on the way in the least amount of time! 

The post 5 Reasons to Avoid Drain Cleaner Chemical in Clogged Drains appeared first on MidCityPlumbers.


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

How to Deal With Shower Drain Smells

Are you suspecting awful smells coming from your shower? We got you covered! While this is common in most homes, this could be prevented. If this is the case, you can just wash your showers clean. But other issues may not be easier to detect. At MidCity Plumbers, we want you to be equipped with dealing with these issues. In this blog, get to know about the causes of shower drain smells and what you can do to resolve them. 

Causes of shower drain smells 

P-trap Issue 

Most shower smells can be traced back to P-trap issues. A P-trap is a U-shaped section of pipe that dips down below the rest of your shower drain. P-traps block sewer gases from escaping into your restroom. It holds water to keep gases from sewer lines from getting through any shower or sink drains. If your P-trap is dry or dirty, chances are that you are also confronted with sewer smells. Make sure to check your P-traps regularly. If you don’t have the necessary tools to disassemble and clean your P-trap, call the nearest professional plumber to help you. 

Buildup of biofilm 

Bioflim is some sort of slime. Some even may look like molds. Biofilm forms from bacterial waste, so it’s no surprise that most shower smells can come from biofilm buildup. Bacteria love growing in a humid and moist environment like your showers. Make sure to have biofilm cleaned from your showers as early as possible as this also causes danger to your health, contributing to various diseases like Salmonella or E.coli

Buildup of biofilm and debris can cause shower drain clogs and shower drain smells. MidCity Plumbers

Mold growth 

Much like biofilm, mold growth is also a major culprit in contributing bad smells to your showers. Mold growth in your shower and your shower drain may lead to unpleasant odors. If the shower drain smells like mildew or worse than that, then you may have mold or biofilm growing inside your drain. Better have it cleaned by professionals for much safer removal of the mold as this can also pose health dangers if inhaled. 

What to do when you shower drain smells 

When you suspect that something smelling bad comes from your shower drain, the best thing to do is to contact a professional plumber expert to clean your shower and resolve the problem. However, there are times when a simple DIY can resolve shower smells. We also have provided here a brief list to help you when you are experiencing shower drain smells:

  1. Clean your P-traps with baking soda and white vinegar
  2. Use disinfectant products 
  3. Assess any issues that may be traced back to internal problems such as leaking pipes, etc.
  4. Don’t forget to clean the area around your drain
  5. If you can, take out any debris that you think may lead to further contamination or clogging 

Clogged shower drain strainer from hair and debris causing shower drain smells. MidCity Plumbers

Tools and products you’ll need

To further clean and get rid of your shower smells, here are some tools that you can use: 

  • Safe commercial shower and grout cleaner or a bleach-free cleaning solution
  • Homemade mixed solutions like vinegar or baking soda 
  • Extendable scrubber 
  • An all-purpose brush 
  • Shower spray bottle 

Steps to clean shower drain

  1. To clean your P-traps, start by first pouring ½ cup of baking soda down the drain, letting it sit for around 15 minutes, then wash it down with ½ cup of white distilled vinegar. You can cover the drain with a stopper to let the chemical reaction work without having to smell most of it. 
  2. For mold growth or biofilm build-up, use a brush or any other tool you think is necessary to break up the film and wipe it away by spraying the surface with a gentle cleaner. 
  3. For molds or biofilms in your drain, first, remove the drain cover and clean it. Then, you can start scrubbing the areas with biofilms with your all-purpose brush and spray bottle with a cleanser. Make sure you have access to professional drain cleaners or cleaners recommended by the professionals for much safer and more efficient cleaning

Yellow gloved hand cleaning shower drain with green sponge to prevent shower drain smells. MidCity Plumbers

When to contact a professional plumber for solutions 

If you think the shower smells are beyond your control, it’s time to let the professionals handle the issue. They have the right tools and expertise to deal with these kinds of problems. Plus, you get to save a lot of money as you prevent yourself from doing more harm than good in getting rid of shower smells. This is where our team comes in. MidCity Plumbers is a certified team of expert plumbers with the necessary tools and expertise for providing quality plumbing and cleaning services when necessary. Our efficient service includes plumbing and heating services completely right from the assessment through the final stages. We’ll get rid of the main causes of shower smell in the least amount of time and in a much safer way. 

If you are experiencing challenges in getting rid of blockages and smelly showers, contact MidCity Plumbers today. Our plumbing services are available in residential and commercial areas. We cover all your plumbing needs from leaks, clogs, to water heaters or any drainage problems. Just contact us at 📞 (778) 772-8676 and we can get to you as early as possible. 

The post How to Deal With Shower Drain Smells appeared first on MidCityPlumbers.


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Beware: Never Flush These 6 Items Down the Toilet

Ever wondered why you usually get clogged toilets? Much like any daily lifestyle, you’ve probably flushed down a lot of stuff down the toilet that you shouldn’t have. To help you avoid any of these issues, we’ve rounded up the things that you need to know about toilet flushing and the main causes of your clogged toilet at home. For reliable plumbing, it’s best to ask a plumbing professional, however, here are some things you can do to prevent toilet clogs.

Main causes of a clogged toilet

The following causes are not exclusive. 

1. Flushable wet wipes

Don’t believe anything that the cover says. After all, most “flushable” products we know are actually causing major clogging problems. Some brands of flushable wipes take longer to break down. This can be dangerous especially if the breakdown process was not fully done. The use of flushable wipes, not to mention the amount you use in a day, can be problematic to your home septic system. Keep in mind that the usage of flushable wipes may be higher than you would expect. 

Man throwing a wet wipe into the toilet can cause a clogged toilet. MidCity Plumbers

2. Paper towels 

While paper towels dissolve in water, too much paper towels can cause build-up or blockage that leads to clogging issues. Remember that paper towels expand when they are wet. When flushed through the toilet drainage system, they expand to their full absorption size. This creates a high potential for a clogged sewer system line. You can also double-check if the material of paper towels can easily dissolve in water as some paper towels take a long time to dissolve. 

3. Women hygiene products 

There’s a reason why experts warn us against flushing tampons and pads down the toilet. These women’s hygiene products can cause clogs in your toilet more often than not, and in the worst-case scenario, it can lead to toilet backflow. If you ask any plumber, most causes of toilet plumbing issues come from flushing down tampons or pads. Keep in mind that this does now only cause problems with your toilet, you also may be confronted with overflowing septic tanks or sewage treatment issues. 

4. Food 

Although quite unbelievable at first, yes, food flushed down the toilet may lead to clogging. Take note that most foods have oils and fats, as well as starch and hard food scraps. Right off the bat, this food waste can cling onto pipe walls and make the passage of the water more narrow. And because these scraps can potentially block your toilet plumbing, it’s better to not flush food down your toilet. 

Person pours a pot of soup into the toilet which can cause clogs. MidCity Plumbers

5. Kitty litter 

Do you have cats at home? Make sure that you don’t throw kitty litter down the toilet drain. While this may seem a practical idea (after all, it’s still litter), kitty litter also contributes to major clogging problems you experience at home. When you flush kitty litter, it can basically have similar effects from flushing down a cement-like consistency down your toilet. Consequently, this can clog your toilet and any other drains you have at home. Make sure that you throw kitty litter in a different, and much proper way as opposed to just flushing it down the toilet. 

6. Medications 

Sure, you usually take medications in your bathroom and more often than not, some medications are flushed down the toilet. But did you know that flushing down medications can also lead to having these pills stay in the water all the way to the main water supply or water treatment plant? This could contaminate the water with medications. This does not only cause clogging, but this may also lead to contaminating your community’s water supply. 

What can be flushed down the toilet

Of course, you can flush down human excrement and toilet paper (in small quantities) down the drain. The true purpose of toilets is for human excrement and toilet paper. Much of the system works to properly dispose of human excrement. On the other hand, toilet paper is relatively easy to filter and small amounts of it can dissolve easily. Just make sure that you don’t flush down too much toilet paper at once, or you’ll face clogging issues. 

Toilet paper on blue background in washroom. MidCity Plumbers

How to fix a clogged toilet

Here is a brief list of how you can fix a clogged toilet: 

  1. Baking soda and vinegar. When your toilet won’t flush, try adding a cup of baking soda and let it sit for several minutes. Then, pour about two cups of vinegar into the toilet. Try to flush your toilet and check if it’s back to normal. 
  2. Dish soap and warm water. Another classic home remedy is by pouring some dish soap down the toilet drain and then adding hot water to flush down or soften any debris. Wait around 10-15 minutes to see any difference. 
  3. Plumbing snake toilet or plunger. You can do this by purchasing a toilet snake and using it to “snake” up any debris. This is usually the best solution when the clog is deeper than the toilet bowl itself. 

Contact a professional

If you think unclogging your toilet is beyond your basic tools and limited knowledge, this is where our reliable plumbing services come in. Midcity Plumbers is composed of plumbing experts who offer a wide variety of plumbing services to all customers in Burnaby and the surrounding areas. We cover all plumbing services from dealing with clogging problems to replacing compromised valves or pipesOur plumbing services are carried out by a team with the necessary expertise and experience in the field for many years. We also conduct a thorough inspection to ensure that our service is effective and valuable. If you can’t get rid of your clogging issues at home, just give us a call on 📞 (778)-772-8676 today to avail our emergency residential plumbing services.

The post Beware: Never Flush These 6 Items Down the Toilet appeared first on MidCityPlumbers.


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

10 Top Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my drain get clogged?

Your drain gets clogged when dirt, food particles, or other debris scum on the walls of your drain pipes. If left unattended, this debris can accumulate and reduce the water flow through these pipes. Other causes of clogging may be oil, grease, and even hair. Make sure you observe proper prevention before you flush any particles down the drain. 

What is soft and hard water?

Soft water is considered treated water where sodium is the only ion component. As opposed to hard water that contains an appreciable quantity of dissolved minerals like magnesium. Hard water can build up through time in the residential and commercial pipelines. The minerals it comes in can compromise the efficiency of cleaning products and can even create soap buildup that results in bad water quality. 

There’s a reason why most homes need a water softener as it removes impurities accumulated in the hard water that can compromise the water quality. 

What is causing my faucet to leak?

Plumber fixing a leaking faucet with a wrench. MidCity Plumbers

Your faucet is leaking due to several causes such as: 

  • Water pressure 
  • Damaged pipes
  • Improper installation 
  • Damaged valve seat 
  • Worn pipe

In most of these cases, make sure that you do a frequent assessment to avoid additional damage costs. Most importantly, contact experts to provide plumbing services for your home’s needs. 

How can I keep my pipes from freezing? 

You can keep your pipes from freezing by adding a layer of insulation to your pipes before winter and programming your thermostat to save up to 10% of your annual heating costs. Additionally, you can also use space heaters to cut down expenses and keep yourself warm without using too many heating systems. This way, your pipes will be greatly insulated. 

Why are my water pipes so noisy?

The noises from your pipes are usually the result of loose pipe fittings or small holes where airflow passes through. Additionally, high water pressure can also lead to damaging your pipes over time. And once the pipes take this type of damage, this can create leaks that cause whistling and noisy sounds. Before any room renovation, you have to make sure that the pipes you have can withstand high pressure. 

Why is my toilet running? 

The most common reason is that an old flapper is broken or needs to be replaced. When flappers get old, they obviously don’t seal well. This results in water passing constantly from the toilet tank into the bowl. When this happens, it’s best to contact a professional plumbing company to resolve the issue immediately as a running toilet may also be a major cause for higher water bill costs. 

Open and running toilet with plumbing tools on top. MidCity Plumbers

Why do I always run out of hot water? 

There are many reasons why you always run out of hot water. The most common reasons are sediment build-up, a broken heating element, and a damaged pipe. If you can’t assess these issues properly but you’re suspecting further damage may occur, call the nearest plumbing company near you to get the job done. 

What is the best way to unclog a drain? 

The best way to unclog a drain is by using plungers along with baking soda, vinegar, and warm water. When it comes to stubborn clogged drains, however, it’s practical to hire a plumbing team to eliminate the problem in the least amount of time. They have the necessary tools and expertise to resolve the issue at hand. 

Why did my water bill increase? 

A surprisingly high water bill is usually caused by a leaking pipe or a change in water use. So, when you have a leaking toilet or those continuing to flush in a constant manner, this can get your water bills to skyrocket. Also, make it a habit to check the pipes and water heater as they may also contribute to higher water bills especially when they are damaged or worn. 

A female hand holds her hand under a stream of money flowing from a metal faucet. MidCity Plumbers

How can I find a good plumber contractor?

You can find a good plumber by first asking for recommendations and then browsing the web for those near you to save a lot of time and money. MidCity Plumbers, for example, constantly offer full-service plumbing and heating services. The services they provide are suitable in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. From a simple service call or emergency repair to complete renovations or new construction projects, MidCity has got it all for you. You can contact the team at MidCity Plumbers here or at 📞 (778) 772-8676, and they will surely provide the right solutions to avoid any plumbing issues in the future and resolve any plumbing issues right away!

The post 10 Top Frequently Asked Questions appeared first on MidCityPlumbers.


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Types of Plumbing Pipes Used in Commercial Buildings

 Various plumbers tools and plumbing materials including copper pipe, elbow joint, and wrench. MidCity Plumbers.

In every commercial building, different sets of pipes should be used. It is important to determine the right type of pipe for your commercial building as each type corresponds to a certain need and use. For you to choose the right materials, you need the professional help of plumbing experts. We have rounded here all the things you need to know about the basics of plumbing used in commercial buildings. 

Copper Pipes

Copper pipes are perhaps one of the most expensive pipes out there. The copper pipes are usually found in the construction of water supply lines or refrigerant lines in HVAC systems. This type of pipe can be manufactured as soft or rigid copper. Its key feature is to offer excellent corrosion resistance and reliable connections. So, you won’t have to worry about repairing corrosion damages.

Also, copper pipes are a popular and common option for residential and commercial plumbing applications. There are two types of copper pipes: rigid copper and flexible copper. Rigid copper has three thicknesses—Type K, Type L, and Type M—used mainly for the water supply. Flexible copper, on the other hand, is soft and malleable. This is usually used where flexibility is needed. That’s why MidCity Plumbers has trained professionals to install plumbing systems using copper pipes. 

Copper pipes and fittings plumbing work for connection of water or gas systems. MidCity Plumbers

Brass Pipes 

Brass pipes are usually known for their high resistance to rust and corrosion. They are also a durable choice for commercial plumbing applications with a long lifespan. Brass also performs better than stainless steel pipes. Brass pipes are often used for the safe delivery of both hot and cold water.

PEX Pipes

Cross-linked polyethylene, known as PEX, refers to a flexible plastic material made from medium- to high-density polyethylene. This is primarily found in hot and cold water applications for commercial properties. They often come in various colors like red and blue or white or grey depending on the application. PEX pipes offer a great benefit in the installation in commercial buildings. It is known to have a high tolerance to heat and cold. So, there can be different types of water supply applications. PEX pipes are incredibly flexible, which makes it easy to bend around obstacles for convenient installation and replacement, if necessary. 

Stainless Steel Pipes

Due to its high price point, stainless steel pipe materials are usually the least used for commercial plumbing repairs and even replacement. However, stainless steel is best known for its durability and ideal applicability for locations where corrosion is a significant problem. The strength of this type of pipe is vital for the building owners of commercial properties. 

PVC Pipes

Another common type of pipe is PVC. The PVC material is made of a combination of plastic and vinyl. PVC plumbing pipes are white, grey, or cream in color and typically found in drain-waste-vent (DWV) systems or high-pressure water areas. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes are commonly used in both residential and commercial buildings. 

Also, keep in mind that the material is easily compromised with extended exposure to heat and ultraviolet light, which means it can only be used for indoor and some other drainage applications. PVC pipes are usually inflexible and need fittings for easy turns. Unlike PEX pipes, PVC pipes will break or split easily instead of expanding when exposed to freezing temperatures. 

CPVC Pipes

Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride or CPVC is a chlorinated thermoplastic pipe for different plumbing applications, such as potable plumbing. Potable plumbing entails potable water that runs from taps in sinks and showers usually found in kitchens and bathrooms. 

In addition, Chlorinated polyvinyl (CPVC) is a low-price option that can handle the plumbing needs of commercial buildings even on regular use. CPVC pipes can withstand exposure to heat and are often approved for water delivery applications, including drinking water. However, like PVC, CPVC will break instead of expand when exposed to freezing liquids or high temperatures. 

CPVC pipe for a plumbing installation or repair in a bright red pipe cutter over a wooden table. MidCity Plumbers

Cast-iron Pipes

Cast-iron plumbing pipes are usually used as the primary sewer lines in commercial buildings for the distribution of water. They are made to withstand high pressure. They have the capacity to deliver large quantities of liquid. In addition, these pipes are also highly resistant to fire and suppress noise for waste disposal especially in apartment buildings. 

Call a professional for an estimate 

If you are thinking of having a commercial building, we can help you with an estimate. This way, you won’t have to worry about surprise costs along the way. If you are having trouble choosing the right type of pipe for your commercial property, our team at MidCity Plumbers can help! 

Our plumbing experts offer a wide variety of plumbing services to all customers in Burnaby and the surrounding areas. We cover all your plumbing needs, from leaks, clogs to piping needs. Our reliable team will deliver every service with excellence, never leaving an issue unsolved. 

If you also need emergency services for your sink drain blockage, give us a call on 📞 (778)-772-8676 today and we are more than happy to help you out!

The post Types of Plumbing Pipes Used in Commercial Buildings appeared first on MidCityPlumbers.

Our Services

Plumbing Services

Furnace & Heating Repair

Drainage Contractor

Gas Pipe Repair & Fitting

Air Conditioning

Boiler Repair

MidCity Plumbers

(778) 772-8676

5705 Ewart St, Burnaby, BC V5J 2W8, Canada


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

9 Plumbing Tips for Commercial Buildings

Steel studs used to frame in a large commercial building needing heating and plumbing. MidCity Plumbers.

Are you planning to build a commercial building? You’re in the right place. Just like any other commercial building essentials, plumbing is relevant as a foundation. Most clients these days disregard the importance of plumbing systems installed in their commercial buildings. So, the burden of imparting the importance of commercial plumbing lies in professional plumbers. Plumbers must carry out regular inspections and full-service maintenance immediately. Keep in mind, however, that as commercial building owners, you also have a role to look out for. To make things easier for you, here are some 9 plumbing tips to get you started:

1. Routinely check for leaks

In every inspection or maintenance, always check for leaks. Leaks, even minor ones, may lead to greater risks entailing damage costs. And in teams of commercial plumbing, any sign of leaks will worsen and will even compromise the overall plumbing system of your commercial building. For example, faucet or pipe leaks may lead to water wastage of about 3,000 gallons if left unattended. So, it is essential to spot these leaks as early as possible and address the issues right away. Remember that early signs of such leaks may be constant drips of water from faucets that you don’t regularly use. On the other hand, clogs are much more apparent to notice.

2. Keep an eye out for corrosion

Most commercial pipes consist of galvanized steel or any other metal material. To fully understand the proper maintenance of your commercial plumbing, you need to observe proper prevention and elimination of corrosion. Look out for early corrosion signs that you can quickly address. These may include discolored water, leaks, strange taste, and unpleasant smell.

3. Test all faucets and toilets

Testing all faucets and toilets will help you detect early signs of plumbing issues. You can check how long it takes the toilet to refill after being flushed and how the water runs through the faucet. It may also help you identify if you are dealing with water pressure problems. The earlier it is detected, the better. If left untreated for an extended period, this may lead to pipe bursting or leaking that may compromise your daily consumption of water.

4. Ensure drains are working properly

The drainage system is also an important aspect of any commercial plumbing system. You can ensure that the drains are working properly by using a drain guard or cleaning the drain frequently. If drains are working properly, water in the plumbing system runs smoothly. It also helps you prevent drainage issues in the process, such as clogging or collapsed drains.

5. Check the water pressure

Make it a habit to check water pressure from time to time. Making sure that the water pressure is normal can help you avoid pipe bursting and damage to your appliances. You can check the water pressure by first turning off your appliances using running water and reading the pressure on the pressure gauge. If it’s your first time checking the pressure, make sure to consult professional plumbing experts.

6. Test water temperature and color

Testing the water temperature and color helps commercial building owners see the characteristics of water that would determine its health effects. Plus, this enables you to understand if such water quality is up to human consumption or not. Water temperature regulates the maximum oxygen dissolved in water. It is important to test as varying water temperatures affect water treatment. Ultimately, this gives you the capacity to check if the water quality that you are using is up to health standards or otherwise.

7. Inspect for visible damage

Just like any other basic assessment, inspect any damage that you can easily see. Usually, visible damages can be visible water dripping, rust, or tree roots. If you have detected early signs of water damage, it’s better to call a professional plumber immediately. However, they have the necessary tools and expertise to resolve the issue at hand in no time.

8. Listen for unusual noises

Unusual noises are one of the most common signs of an underlying problem in your plumbing system. More often than not, unusual noises come from leaking and high water pressure. Keep in mind that once you hear weird noises, they might be a plumbing issue that needs to be addressed quickly. The most common reason for unusual noises is high water pressure or flow.

9. Schedule maintenance for the plumbing system in hard-to-reach places

It is also important to schedule a maintenance check, especially in areas that are hard to assess. A certified plumber uses a plumbing maintenance schedule to evaluate and inspect the plumbing system’s condition, especially in places you can’t easily access. They have the necessary equipment to evaluate such systems, so it’s practical to schedule a maintenance inspection if necessary. The appointment will record any issues spotted during the inspection. This plumbing maintenance may consist of the following:

  • Inspect pipes and valves for leaks and damages;
  • Provide recommendations and rectification

If you want to have the plumbing system of your commercial building work well, we can help. Here at MidCity Plumbers, you will find a great selection of new water heaters and plumbing systems for commercial customers at highly competitive prices. Besides our excellent plumbing services, you can also count on our reliable team of plumbing experts. They will provide you with fast, quality installation services so you can quickly get back to your daily routine at home or place of business.

So, save money and energy by following these tips, and be sure to contact us today or call us at 📞 (778)-772-8676 for our reliable plumbing services and repair & maintenance.

Our Services

Plumbing Services

Furnace & Heating Repair

Drainage Contractor

Gas Pipe Repair & Fitting

Air Conditioning

Boiler Repair

MidCity Plumbers

(778) 772-8676

5705 Ewart St, Burnaby, BC V5J 2W8, Canada

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

How to Unclog a Sink with a Garbage Disposal

Do you have a sink with garbage disposal at home? That’s great! However, there are times when issues with clogging may occur. When you are facing these problems, you’re in the right place! We know exactly how to help with your clogged garbage disposal drain. Find out everything you need to know about unclogging the sink with garbage disposal and the steps needed so you can have a safe and efficient drain for your home. Let’s jump right in! 

Causes of garbage disposal clog 

Before diving into the steps of unclogging, it’s important to understand the different causes of garbage disposal clogs. While most disposals have no issue grinding down food waste, clogs do happen especially after the grinding process. This has a lot to do with food waste reacting to water (or lack of water). Briefly, here are some common causes of garbage disposal clogs that most homeowners get confronted with: 

  1. Grinding banana and potato peels that create a starchy paste that cling onto the drain pipes
  2. Grinding eggshells or coffee grounds create granular waste that may lead to sludge in your pipes, causing major clogs. 
  3. When there is no flushing water or not enough water down the disposal to break down food particles and waste. Consequently, the waste can’t be flushed down and will quickly build up over time. 

Kitchen drain clog with food particles. MidCity Plumbers

Other causes not listed here may lead to garbage disposal clogs. Keep in mind to always ensure that the grinding process is working properly to break down your food waste. Otherwise, this will just do more harm than good. 

Tools and materials you will need 

Here are some tools and materials that you will need to unclog your sink with the garbage disposal. 

  1. Paper towel or some rags 
  2. Bucket 
  3. Scrub brush 
  4. Wire
  5. Drain snake (optional or if needed) 
  6. Bucket 

You can add materials and tools if you deem them necessary and convenient in the unclogging process. This list is not exclusive and is always subject to change depending on the complexity of the clogged sink at hand. 

Steps to unclogging a garbage disposal 

Before anything else, it’s important to first assess the working area and see if you can do the project on your own or you’ll be needing some help from professionals. Either way, we have provided the steps to unclog garbage disposal here for your guidance and convenience: 

Cleaning a sink garburator and p trap in the kitchen sink. MidCity Plumbers

  1. Remove the P-Trap by disconnecting the fittings on the drain trap. Don’t forget to use the bucket beneath the disposal drain trap to collect water from the disconnecting process. This can be messy so always have paper towels and rags around to wipe accidental spills from the trap
  2. Clean the trap and check if there are any clogs or obstructions in the trap fitting. Use a small scrub brush to dig out any debris 
  3. Next is to check the trap arm. Most clogs lie in the trap arm which is the horizontal drain piece that connects to the drainpipe. Clean the inside of the trap arm with a wire or a small brush. 
  4. You can also snake the branch drain if necessary. If the clog is likely located deeper than the P-trap, it’s best to snake the drain. Don’t worry, here are 5 easy steps to use a plumbing snake should it be necessary to do so. 
  5. Reassemble the drain along with the P-trap by tightening the slip nuts. Check the positions of the pieces you’ve dismantled earlier. If you can, tighten the parts further to avoid any leaks. But don’t over-tighten them to avoid damage to the nuts. 
  6. Finally, flush the rain. Run water down the drain through the disposal for several minutes to flush down any waste remnants. You can also add warm water to dislodge or soften any remaining clog particles. 

When to call a professional plumber

If it’s your first time dealing with this kind of problem and you don’t have the necessary tools and expertise for a successful unclogging, call a professional plumber to help you out. More often than not, unclogging sink drains require a professional plumber, especially when it comes to stubborn clogs. If you want to avoid damage costs due to improper cleaning or unclogging, hire a team of certified experts to do the work for you. 

Confused woman in the kitchen with a plunger in her hands. Kitchen sink clogging. MidCity Plumbers

Are you experiencing clogged sink drains at home? We can help! Our team at MidCity Plumbers offers drainage and water services to all customers in Burnaby and the surrounding area, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have drainage or clogging issues that can damage your pipes permanently. Our efficient service includes plumbing and drainage services completely right from the inspection through the final stage. Give us a call on 📞 778-772-8676  today, and we are more than happy to help you get rid of these issues in no time!

The post How to Unclog a Sink with a Garbage Disposal appeared first on MidCityPlumbers.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

What To Do During a Cold Snap to Protect Your Plumbing

Colder months are coming, and this means that your pipes are more prone to freezing. Freezing and pipe bursting are common problems for most homeowners. While this can be a huge frustration for most of us, there are steps that you can take to prevent yourself from spending a lot on repair costs from ruptured or frozen pipes. In this blog, get to know the methods that you can observe to protect your plumbing from a cold snap. From spotting, if your pipes are freezing to thawing frozen pipes, we got it all rounded up for you. 

How to stop pipes from freezing

Here are some ways to stop your pipes from freezing

Let your faucet drip

While some may hesitate to let their faucets drip, this can actually help in preventing your pipes from bursting. The running water from your faucet carries more internal energy that can create friction and heat. 

Dripping faucet to help keep pipes from freezing. MidCity Plumbers

Insulate your pipes

You can insulate your pipes by paying attention to pipes that are usually unheated. Most pipe insulation is made from fiberglass or foam. Use duct tape or a newspaper for a temporary solution, too. 

Keep kitchen cabinet doors open 

Opening your cabinets during the colder months can keep warm air circulating around the plumbing system. Additionally, the heated air will prevent ice from forming around your pipes if you are expecting a cold night.

Kitchen cabinets with open doors to keep in heat with stainless steel sink and water tap. MidCity Plumbers

Cover crawl spaces 

Temporarily cover crawl spaces to avoid freezing your pipes. Covering crawl spaces can reduce the amount of cold air that surrounds your pipes. You can use foam pieces to cover vents and secure them with duct tapes. 

Close the garage door 

Another way to keep your home at a consistent temperature is to close the garage door. Closing the garage door can also decrease the amount of cold air entering your home. Keep in mind that most pipes are located in areas with easy access to garage doors. If you open your garage doors, this may result in an uneven distribution of heat inside your home. 

Keep a steady temperature throughout the house

Always keep your temperature throughout the house steady by having your thermostat set to the same temperature during nights and days. Keeping your thermostat as consistent as possible can keep your pipes from freezing. 

Woman push button digital thermostat at house to turn up the heat. MidCity Plumbers

Signs your pipes are frozen 

Giving attention to early signs are usually practical especially when you want to resolve the issue immediately. To help you understand the issue that you are currently dealing with, here are signs that your pipes are frozen

  1. Lack of running water in your house. If multiple faucets are not running, it means that you are dealing with frozen pipes that may be impossible for you to resolve without professional help. 
  2. Strange smell. If you start smelling some sewer smells while the temperature outside is freezing, there’s a high chance that you have a frozen pipe. 
  3. When exposed pipes are covered with ice residue. Once you see ice coating surrounding your pipes, it means that the inside of your pipes is already frozen. 
  4. Unusual sounds. These sounds may be gurgling, banging, or clanging. 
  5. Cracks on your pipes. This usually happens when the ice finally compromises the quality of your pipes. 

Frozen icicles on frozen pipe. MidCity Plumbers

While these signs are considered early signs that you can easily spot, there are signs that you can’t assess if you don’t have the right tools and expertise. 

What to do when your pipes are frozen 

If you have frozen pipes, don’t worry! Here are some things that you can do in dealing with these pipes: 

  1. Keep your faucet open to allow moving water to run through the pipes. This can create fiction that eventually results in heat through the pipes
  2. Apply heat to the frozen pipe. You can do this by wrapping the pipe with an electronic heating pad or even using a hairdryer. 
  3. Continue to heat the pipe until the water flow returns to its regular rate 
  4. If the frozen pipes are beyond your DIY methods, it’s the best time to call a professional plumber. In serious situations, professional plumbers may need to cut a hole in your wall or other professional remedies. This requires expertise and necessary tools that you may not have at home. 

When to contact a professional plumber 

Plumber with tools to help with frozen pipes. MidCity Plumbers for reliable service.

When the frozen pipes you have are beyond your control, it’s time to contact a professional team of plumbers. MidCity Plumbers is a certified team of expert plumbers with the necessary tools and expertise for resolving your frozen pipes issues. Our efficient service includes plumbing and heating services completely right from the assessment through the final warming process of your pipes. When the frozen pipes begin to show signs of damage, our expert plumbers can efficiently resolve this and other issues in a safer way. Our plumbing services are available in residential and commercial areas. We cover all your plumbing needs from leaks, clogs, to water heaters or any drainage problems. Just contact us today at 📞 (778) 772-8676 and our team will be right on your doorstep even during emergencies. 

The post What To Do During a Cold Snap to Protect Your Plumbing appeared first on MidCityPlumbers.


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